K-12 STEM Outreach Workshop

Watch and listen to the WiSTEM K-12 STEM Outreach Workshop Prezi slide presentation. We recommend you view it in full-screen mode. Turn your sound on to hear the audio. Click the > at the bottom of the screen to navigate to the next section throughout the presentation. The full presentation will take about 30 minutes to navigate through. Resources shared in the workshop are linked below.

Resources Shared in the Workshop:

Earn the WiSTEM K-12 STEM Outreach Digital Badge

The digital badge is currently restricted to UT Austin students, staff, and faculty. Badges are awarded in May, August, and December.

  1. Join the WiSTEM K-12 STEM Outreach Canvas Course
  2. Complete the course (workshop presentation, reading materials, discussion board, quiz)
  3. Complete the WiSTEM K-12 STEM Outreach Workshop Completion Form found at the end of the Canvas course
  4. Volunteer with at least four (4) different K-12 STEM outreach events or activities during the academic year for at least 8 cumulative volunteer hours. Events/Activities that are >4 hours in length may count as two (2) K-12 STEM events.
  5. Submit the K-12 STEM Outreach Digital Badge Application.