Engage with WiSTEM

Get involved as a participant, volunteer, or partner today!

WiSTEM offers many ways to engage in programming as a precollege student, undergraduate student, volunteer, STEM role model, student organization, or corporate, community, or campus partner.

WiSTEM programs are open to all students of any gender.

Learn more about:

Contact wistem@utexas.edu for other engagement opportunities.

Partner with WiSTEM

WiSTEM is made possible by the generous support of corporate, community, campus, and alumni partners.

Contact Tricia Berry, Executive Director, for corporate partner information and ways to engage in programming with our pre-college and undergraduate STEM students.

Volunteer with WiSTEM

STEM role models are important in building self-confidence and a sense of belonging for current and future STEM students. WiSTEM has many ways to engage STEM role models through in-person and virtual campus and community events and opportunities that advance our work to advance gender equity in STEM.