High School Camps and Academies
Women in STEM (WiSTEM) on-campus summer camps and virtual academies provide rising 10th through 12th-grade high school students with the opportunity to explore STEM college majors and career paths, gain hands-on STEM experiences and STEM career skills, connect with STEM role models, and learn about university resources and the admissions process.
All students are invited to weekly Role Model Monday Webinars with STEM professionals throughout June and July. All students and families are invited to a virtual end-of-camp celebration and admissions presentation at the end of July.
All WiSTEM camp and academy experiences are designed and facilitated with effective practices to recruit and engage girls in STEM. Camp and academy experiences feature STEM role models from our WiSTEM campus and corporate community and content from partners such as PBS SciGirls.
All rising 10th through 12th-grade high school students are welcome and invited to register for any camp or academy that best fits their interests. All WiSTEM camps and academies are open to any current high school student of any gender enrolled in the 9th, 10th, or 11th grade at the time of registration.

Registration Timeline
Registration for Summer 2025 camps is open now through May 8, 2025.
Sign up for the WiSTEM K12 Monthly eNewsletter for notifications about WiSTEM camps and programs.
Camp Fees
Virtual Academies: $200
Single-Day, 1-Day Camps: $200
2-Day Camps: $350
Camp Photos
Find photos and videos from past WiSTEM camps in our Flickr camp albums.
Corporate Partnerships Available
Sponsorships are available for Summer 2025 WiSTEM high school camps and academies.
Contact wistem@utexas.edu with questions.
2024 Impact Report
What’s the impact of WiSTEM Camps and Academies? Check out the 2024 Summer Camps and Academies Impact Report for participant demographics and evaluation
Email us: wistem@utexas.edu
On Campus CEO Day Camps

Consider Every Option (CEO) Day Camps are in-person, on-campus, 1-day or 2-day, 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. CT experiences for rising 10th through 12th-grade high school students. CEO Day Camps are designed for participants to Consider Every Option (CEO) and explore cross-sections of STEM disciplines and college majors with similar or overlapping career paths. Each camp includes an optional campus tour from 8:15 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. with a unique combination of hands-on design challenges, a Career Conversation Lunch with STEM role models, presentations or panels, research lab or museum tours, and other carefully crafted, theme-aligned STEM experiences.
Virtual Academies

Summer Engineering Experience (SEE) is a 2-month virtual camp experience for rising 10th through 12th-grade high school students. Designed to explore each engineering major offered at UT Austin with weekly informational newsletters, role model webinars, and engineering design challenges completed and explored asynchronously at your own pace. Participants spend 2-4 hours weekly on asynchronous camp activities.

Summer STEM Learning Academy (SLA) is a 2-month virtual camp experience for rising 10th through 12th-grade high school students. Designed to explore STEM professional skills, including mindfulness in design, design thinking, presentation skills, and more. Camp includes weekly informational newsletters, role model webinars, and the opportunity to earn digital badges asynchronously at your own pace. Participants spend 2-4 hours weekly on asynchronous camp activities.
Find Other UT Austin STEM Events

STEM Starts is a comprehensive collection of K-12 STEM opportunities for students, families, and educators. STEM Starts connects families and educators with quality resources, STEM programs, and opportunities offered by UT Austin programs and units.