K-12 Community

Precollege K-12 STEM Outreach & Recruitment

illustration of a girl spinning a globe on her finger

WiSTEM precollege outreach and recruitment programs such as STEM Girl Day at UT Austin and high school summer camps and academies are designed to increase awareness of and interest in STEM college majors and career paths, strengthen STEM identity, and increase self-efficacy and sense of belonging for precollege students.

Stay connected to K-12 STEM events, opportunities, and resources by subscribing to one or more of the newsletters listed on the right.

Find more UT Austin STEM events and opportunities for the K12 community on STEM Starts, a UT Austin resource connecting families and educators with quality resources, fostering collaboration between program providers and empowering youth for future success.

Science Near Me is a free resource to help families and educators quickly find opportunities to engage in all types of science, technology, engineering, math, (STEM) events, projects, and programs near you, in person and online.

Request WiSTEM Volunteers

Visit the WiSTEM K-12 STEM Outreach webpage for information about WiSTEM Outreach Ambassadors and how to request WiSTEM volunteers for your STEM events and programs.


Families & Educators: Subscribe to the monthly WiSTEM K-12 Newsletter to learn about precollege events, opportunities, and resources.

STEM Professionals: Subscribe to the monthly WiSTEM Volunteer Newsletter to learn about STEM role model volunteer opportunities on campus and in the community.

Educators & STEM Professionals: Subscribe to the biweekly UT Austin EPIC + WeTeach_CS Newsletter, the regional Greater Austin STEM Ecosystem Newsletter and/or monthly statewide Texas Girls Collaborative Project Newsletter to learn about STEM resources, upcoming events, & more that support efforts to engage all students in STEM.


Email: wistem@utexas.edu